Rapid Response and Communication Plan

The priority of Special Olympics Virginia is to maintain the safety and well being of the athletes and volunteers at all practices and events. Although much planning occurs to avoid emergency situations, they do occasionally happen. Emergency situations can include a lost athlete, accidents or injuries, sexual abuse allegations, an athlete or volunteer death, or an arrest of a delegation member.

Injury or Illness Situation

One of my athletes or volunteers has been injured or is sick during competition.

  1. Athlete or Volunteer reports to the volunteer medical station at the venue and receives first aid and/or medical treatment.
  2. Athlete is evaluated and is referred for further medical services at a local medical or emergency medical service provider. On-site competition volunteers will notify the Senior Director of Competition (Bryan Schubring) or the Strategic Parntership Manager (Izzy Nelson).
  3. If as a volunteer or athlete you need assistance or have additional questions regarding medical care please contact Bryan Schubring at 804-467-6006 or Izzy Nelson at 804-929-2344.

One of my athletes or volunteers has been injured or is sick outside of competition (After Opening and Closing Ceremony and Sunday morning).

  1. Athlete or Volunteer calls Izzy Nelson at 804-929-2344. Izzy will notify our on-site medical personnel or direct you to go to the nearest open medical service provider.
  2. Athlete receives treatment for injury or is referred for emergency medical services.
  3. If athlete is referred for Emergency Services, notify Izzy Nelson at 804-929-2344.

Rapid Response Situations

An athlete from my delegation is lost.

1. If an athlete is lost at a competition venue call Bryan Schubring at 804-467-6006 or if an athlete is lost at a non-competition venue or ceremony contact Izzy Nelson at 804-929-2344.

An athlete or volunteer from my delegation alleged sexual misconduct.

1. Athlete or Volunteer acting in the supervisory capacity calls David Pawlowski, Vice President of Sports, Health and Fitness at 804-467-6003 immediately after incident. Additional steps will be taken as needed and are warranted in each situation.

One of the members of my delegation was arrested.

1. Athlete or Volunteer acting in the supervisory capacity calls David Pawlowski, Vice President of Sports, Health and Fitness at 804-467-6003 immediately after incident. Additional steps will be taken as needed and are warranted in each situation.

A volunteer or athlete from my delegation has died.

1. Volunteers involved in the incident must activate the emergency response system by dialing 911 as soon as the incident has been discovered.
2. Athlete or Volunteer acting in the supervisory capacity calls David Pawlowski, Vice President of Sports, Health and Fitness at 804-467-6003 immediately after incident. Additional steps will be taken as needed and are warranted in each situation.

Inclement Weather

For inclement weather situations what do I do?

For any weather situation that occurs that will alter or cancel an event or competition, all registered delegation members will receive notification via text message from the event staff. Changes in schedule due to inclement weather will be posted on the Special Olympics Virginia website and posted to all SOVA social media channels.