
Owens & Minor Continues to Support Opening Eyes Initiative at Summer Games 2024

Owens & Minor lived their "life takes care" company motto by taking care and reaffirming their support for Special Olympics Virginia's Opening Eyes initiative at Summer Games 2024. This marks another significant chapter in the company's long-standing partnership of 27 years with Special Olympics Virginia, underscoring the team's commitment to enhancing the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities.

"This was my second year volunteering! I am so grateful for the opportunity and experience. I feel overjoyed to see the excitement on the athlete’s face when you ask them about their medal or what they have participated in so far. Let’s not even talk about the great benefit they are receiving for free eyeglasses and an exam. They patiently wait as they go through all of the stations to get a new pair of glasses. To me this is life-takes-care!” - Tracey Rudd, Owens & Minor Sr. Recruiter

A Vision for Inclusion and Health

Opening Eyes is a crucial component of the Special Olympics Healthy Athletes program, which aims to provide comprehensive health screenings and care to athletes. Opening Eyes specifically focuses on vision care, offering free eye exams, prescription eye wear and crucial eye health education to athletes who often lack access to these services.

“For me, volunteering gives me the best feeling. Being a former collegiate and professional athlete, seeing young and upcoming athletes in their element brought me great joy! Nothing like competition! Thanks for the opportunity.” - Ricky Price, Owens & Minor Operations Supervisor

Owens & Minor, a leading healthcare solutions company, has been a steadfast supporter of this initiative for several years. Their involvement goes beyond mere sponsorship; the company actively participates in events, providing volunteer staff, resources and logistical assistance to ensure the smooth running of the program.

Owens & Minor's continued support of the Special Olympics Virginia's Opening Eyes initiative is a testament to their unwavering com

Through their efforts, countless athletes received the vision care they need to succeed both on and off the field. This partnership not only enhances the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities, but also sets a powerful example of corporate responsibility and community engagement.