As a Special Olympics coach, I agree to the following:
● I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of athletes, coaches, other volunteers, friends, and spectators in Special Olympics, and will not willfully engage in discriminatory behaviors.
● I will treat everyone equally regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, race, ethnicity origin, national origin, religion, or ability, or any other characteristic.
● I will be a positive role model for the athletes I coach.
● I will ensure my language, manner, punctuality, preparation, and presentation will demonstrate high standards.
● I will display control, respect, dignity, and professionalism at all times. I will encourage others to demonstrate the same qualities.
● I will not drink or possess alcohol, smoke (tobacco products, e-cigarette devices), or possess or consume recreational cannabis or cannabis-based products or take illegal drugs while representing Special Olympics or participating in Special Olympics activities.
● I will not engage in any form of verbal, physical, psychological, emotional or sexual abuse, unwanted sexual advances, or harassing, bullying or hazing behavior in person, via telecommunications, or via any other form of electronic communication, including, but not limited to email, texting and social media. This includes the exchange or transmission of inappropriate language, derogatory comments or slurs, and/or inappropriate images of a sexual or violent nature. I will inform my Special Olympics Program leadership immediately should I be subject to such behavior or abuse from another participant and/or if I become aware of such behavior occurring amongst other participants.
● I understand all telephonic and electronic communications between myself and any other participant must be professional in nature and for the purpose of communicating information about team-related activities, and I will always make best efforts for a third party to be included on communications so that one-one-one communications are avoided whenever possible.
● I will be alert to any form of abuse from other sources directed toward athletes in my care and will immediately report any incidents or concerns to my Special Olympics Program leadership.
● I will ensure I am aware of any applicable law(s) which classifies me as a mandatory reporter. I am aware that I am obligated to report abuse or suspected abuse, regardless of whether laws omit me as a mandatory reporter. I know that I can consult with my Special Olympics Program leadership for guidance, as needed.
● I will abide by the Special Olympics policy on the prohibition of volunteers dating athletes.
● I will abide by the information sharing/communications processes set forth by my local Special Olympics Program.
● I will respect and not misuse any equipment or property belonging to Special Olympics or that is provided to Special Olympics for its use.
● I will not take action(s) that endangers a participant.
● I will obey all laws where I am participating, and Special Olympics rules.
● I will provide for the general welfare, health and safety of all Special Olympics participants.
● I will follow the established rules and guidelines of Special Olympics and/or any agency involved with Special Olympics.
● I will ensure that the equipment and facilities are safe to use.
● I will follow the emergency / crisis communications procedures set forth by my Special Olympics Program.
● I will exercise extreme caution, discretion and care with any documents, material, or devices containing confidential information.
● I will ensure that the equipment, rules, trainings, and environment are appropriate for the age and ability of the athletes.
● I will review each athlete’s health history and be aware of any limitations on that athlete’s participation noted on their participation form.
● I will follow Special Olympics’ concussion protocol. I will allow further participation in training and competition only when safe for the athlete and/or the other participants.
● I will seek continual improvement through performance evaluation and ongoing coach education.
● I will keep current with all required trainings and required forms pertaining to my role.
● I will be knowledgeable about and follow the Sports Rules and skills of the sport(s) I coach.
● I will provide athletes/teams with plans to support their increased health, fitness and sport development.
● I will be aware of any unique medical, training, or competition needs of each athlete I coach.
● I will ensure that the time spent with Special Olympics is a positive experience for each athlete I coach.
● I will respect the talent, developmental stage, and goals of each athlete.
● I will ensure each athlete competes in events that challenge that athlete’s potential and are appropriate to that athlete’s ability.
● I will be fair, considerate, and honest with athletes and communicate with athletes using simple, clear language.
● I will ensure that accurate scores are provided for entry of an athlete into any competition.
● I will instruct each athlete to perform to the best of their ability at all preliminaries and final competitions in accordance with the Official Special Olympics Sports Rules.