Young Athletes Curriculum

Young Athletes Curriculum

Week One, Lesson Three


Opening Sports Song (5 min) – Get ready to move! Sing along and do the motions that accompany the song.

I Spy: Stomp/Tiptoes (3 min) – Adapt I Spy by instructing the athlete to move in different ways to the equipment (e.g. tiptoe, stomp slowly, stomp fast, walk backwards).

Bridges and Tunnels (4 min) – Go over the bridge and under the tunnel. Use a cone for the child to step over if you do not want to lay on the floor and use a chair or lean against a wall to make a tunnel for the child to crawl under.

Follow the Leader: Side Steps/Follow a Path (5 min) – Encourage athletes to sidestep right and left around the room.

Running Styles (5 min) - Practice running/walking styles such as slow, fast, backwards, high knees and on tiptoes.

Obstacle Course (7 min) - Set up an obstacle course with floor markers for jumping on, cones to weave around and the balance beam/rope/floor tape to walk on before running to the finish line.

Closing Sports Song (5 min) – You did it! Sing along and do the motions that accompany the song.

Virtual Lesson Intro - Week 1, Lesson 3

If you are teaching this lesson virtually, use this helpful introduction to get started.

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Additional Resources

For additional Young Athlete resources including Spanish language resources, click below.