Opening Sports Song (4 min) – Get ready to move! Sing along and do the motions that accompany the song.
Rolling (5 min) – Arrange two cones to form a goal. Place a floor marker where the child should sit/kneel/stand. Roll the ball through the goal.
Two-Hand Underhand (6 min) – In pairs, use two hands to throw the ball underhand to each other.
Underhand Toss (one hand) (6 min) - In pairs, use one hand to throw the bean bag underhand to each other.
Two-Hand Throwing (overhead) (6 min) – Stand sideways with one foot a little bit in front of the other one. Raise your hands over your head. Bend your arms and throw the ball.
Closing Sports Song (5 min) – You did it! Sing along and do the motions that accompany the song.