Roger Johnson

Athlete: Golf

Roger was born with cerebral palsy and didn't start walking and talking until he was 3½ years old. He has a big heart and does whatever he can to help anybody whenever he can.

Roger has attended two Special Olympics Plane Pulls in North Carolina. This year, he is excited to both cheer the teams on and chip in to pull the planes. He has been in Special Olympics for 31 years and has participated in basketball, swimming, track and field, softball, tennis, and golf. He was able to attend the 2014 USA Games in New Jersey and finished 2nd in his division for 9-hole golf. Inclusion is important to Roger because, until the Special Olympics was founded in 1968, people like him would have been put in institutions. By being included in society, Roger and others can show the rest of society they are capable and can do what others do.

I’ve always said anybody can do anything they put their mind to and as long as you try your best, that’s the best anyone can ask.
Roger Johnson

Written by Alex Burns, Special Olympics Virginia Athlete