Officer Baker has been active with the Torch Run and Special Olympics for over ten years on both a local and state level. From volunteering at Plane Pull and Polar Plunge events to participating in the Torch Run Final Leg and Summer Games, she is a leader for her department, who models the way for all employees to become engaged with Torch Run and Special Olympics. For the last five years, she has been her region’s representative, heading up dozens of sites and events, and will say “yes,” no matter what the ask…offering up assistance to anyone and any agency, not just her own. She continuously engages with athletes, raises the bar in recruiting volunteers, and creates events with her district office, such as the Chili Cook-off and Silent Auction, just to name a few. She even spearheaded a team for the Prince William County Plunge, to ensure her department had a team at every plunge in 2023, and truly holds a level of dedication to celebrate.