Sgt. Lewis has been very active with the Torch Run and Special Olympics on the local, state and international level for over eight years. From the Polar Plunge to logistics he is always involved in anything and everything, always eager to help with anything that comes up. With enthusiasm and energy that is contagious, he is quickly emerging as a future leader and champion in his local Law Enforcement Torch Run events and activities, making his region’s torch run stronger than before. This past November, Sgt. Lewis had the honor of representing Virginia in the miner’s lamp escort, carrying out this task with pride and dedication. He even took on the challenge of running in a tutu, if a certain dollar amount was raised. It was, and he did! Knowing no stranger, and possessing a personality that fits right in at any event, always making him the social butterfly anywhere he goes, Sgt. Lewis is spreading the word and changing lives.