Know Your Facts
- There will be 107 athletes competing in bocce
- There are 58 coaches
We have 3 competitions: Athletes may compete in Singles, Doubles and/or Unified Doubles. Athletes can participate in both singles and doubles if desired.
Interested in volunteering at bocce?
Check out the roles we offer:
Escort athletes to the staging area, remove credentials and hold any items they may have while competing. The return their items and escort them back to their team or waiting space.
Measure the distance from the pallina to the bocce ball to determine who is the closest to the pallina.
You are responsible for timing the assigned competitor from the beginning of the game until the required time limit. Also maintain the official scoreboard.
Flag Person
Make sure the proper flag is being displayed to indicate whose turn it is to roll.
Foul Line Judge
Watch for foot fouls
Click here to register!
Bocce Volunteer Registration