A Vision For Fitness

Tracking Sleep

Tracking your sleep is very helpful. I try to get around 7-8 hours of sleep every night, which is about the healthiest amount of sleep that adults can get. It is recommended for kids to get a lot more than that depending on their age.

The first step in healthy sleep tracking is to try to go to bed around the same time every night, even during the weekends. To help me do that, I eat more during the day and less at night. If you eat more at night, it can keep you up from having to digest the food that you just ate.

There are different ways to track your sleep at night. There are all kinds of devices out there that you can use to keep track of your sleep. Mostly smartwatches like Apple Watch and Whoop (just to name a couple of them) that can keep track the number of hours you sleep every night. For me, I use the health app on my iPhone. I have it set up in the built-in health app that works while on Sleep Mode. While my phone is in Sleep Mode, it will let me know when it’s time for me to start getting ready for bed every night and when to wake up every morning with an alarm. (But I can always turn the alarm off if I don’t need to get up early for that day.)

While my phone is on Sleep Mode, all of the notifications I get on my phone overnight are on silent. That way, they don’t wake me up during the night and I will see them when I wake up in the morning.

When you get enough sleep every night:

• It can keep your heart healthy,
•It can help prevent you from getting sick.
•It can help you recover from workouts.
•It can help prevent injuries.
•It can help your memory.
•It can help with your mental/emotional health.

Lastly, it can help you feel better about yourself overall and give you more energy.

When you don’t get enough sleep, you are actually more likely to eat more junk food. You also have a higher risk of getting sick. You are also more likely to have more health issues like:

•Heart disease
•Different brain diseases
•High blood pressure.

Now having said that, everyone has a bad night of sleep once in a while. It’s part of being human. It can also be an adjustment if you travel somewhere that’s in a different time zone. For example, I have traveled to the Netherlands where they are 6 hours ahead of the time zone in Virginia. And they have planes flying there overnight. So I didn’t get any sleep for about 24 hours traveling there since it’s morning by the time the plane lands when it’s still the middle of the night in Virginia.

But if you try, you can get into a routine of going to bed around the same time every night. And if you can get the right amount of sleep every night, it will help be healthier and live longer.

Finally, I should also mention that I am not a doctor. So if you are having a hard time getting enough sleep consistently, you should talk to your doctor about it.


