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A Vision For Fitness
Mindful Eating with an Extreme Allergy
Now that the real winter has started, my mind turns to indoor activities: swimming, basketball and… eating.
2 Min Read
A Vision For Fitness
Fast Food Swaps
I am a huge fan of eating fast-food, specifically Wendy’s and Chick-Fil-A. The reason I like these two fast food places is because of Chick-Fil-A’s chicken sandwich and Wendy’s baconator burger -- due to me being a big burger fan. I also enjoy the waffle fries and chicken nuggets from Chick-Fil-A, too.
2 Min Read
A Vision For Fitness
Strength Training
A Vision For Fitness
Strength Training for the Win
Hi everyone!! Fall is on, and it is going to get harder to exercise outside as it gets colder. One of my favorite ways to stay in shape and toned in fall and winter is to add some weightlifting to my routine.
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A Vision For Fitness
One Step at a Time
This edition, I'm here to talk to you about one of my favorite things: you guessed it - running!
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A Vision For Fitness
Why I Enjoy Bike Riding
One of my favorite go-to ways to exercise is bike riding.
2 Min Read
A Vision For Fitness
Swimming Can Change Your Life for the Better
Ever since I was little, I have loved the water. It always calmed me to be near it. When I would go to the swimming pool with my friends in elementary school, we’d pretend to be mermaids. As I got older I still loved swimming, but I didn’t compete until five years ago when I first signed up to be an athlete with Special Olympics Virginia (SOVA). Since then, I have been a swimmer in three Summer Games competitions and have won nine medals. Though I try to learn new sports too, swimming will always be my go-to sport.
5 Min Read
A Vision For Fitness
Champion Focus
Trasean Singletary is an aspiring Special Olympics athlete who has a huge passion for running, giving back to the community and continuing to move forward. Trasean deeply cares about world peace and connecting with those around him in order to make a positive impact on others. Trasean runs everywhere he goes, as that allows him to get through each and every day and to keep moving on in life.
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A Vision For Fitness
Always Playing
My name is Grace Anne Braxton. I got interested in golf by watching professionals at golf tournaments on TV.
1 Min Read
A Vision For Fitness
Beach, Pool, Sprinkler: Summer Workout Tips
Hi everyone! We are in the middle of a very hot summer, I bet many of you are trying to stay inside where it’s cooler. That is a good idea on really warm days, but there are a lot of fun things you can do to keep cool and stay in shape. Some of these you can do at home, and some you need to travel for. Here are my top three favorites:
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A Vision For Fitness
Summer Exercise: Outside or Inside?
To me, summer can be a wonderful time to get in your daily exercise regimen. Whether you’re exercising indoors or outdoors, you will find there are many health benefits to each one of these options. I know most people don’t realize they can be outdoors in the summertime, because of the heat and humidity, but if you protect yourself, you will find this is just as gratifying and will help you be an overall stronger and healthier individual.
2 Min Read
A Vision For Fitness
"Nature's Gatorade" Recipe
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Personal Trainer, Author, Cohost of the Well-Fed Women Podcast and my cousin, Noelle Tarr, says, “Proper hydration is critical for optimizing mental and physical performance. Hydration is not just about drinking enough water but to stay properly hydrated you need to consume adequate electrolytes. They help your nerve impulses fire, regulate fluid balance, help produce energy, and help support strong bones.” Drinking water is very important, but without electrolytes it can cause headaches, muscle cramps, and even fatigue, especially if you’re drinking too much water. So, to keep you hydrated and supplied with electrolytes, here’s a simple recipe by Noelle Tarr. This recipe is much better than buying a Gatorade because one 20-ounce bottle of Gatorade has 34 grams of sugar which is the equivalent to 2 ¾ Tablespoons. The recipe below only has 29.7 grams and is free from all the artificial coloring and chemicals that is put in Gatorade. Noelle Tarr says coconut water is like “Nature’s Gatorade” and packed with tons of electrolytes. That is one reason why it is included in this recipe. If you don’t like a lot of tang, and want to just drink coconut water, that is also an option and it is very healthy. You can read more about this and other recipes by going to her website https://coconutsandkettlebells.com/ .
2 Min Read
A Vision For Fitness
Air Quality Report
In the summer of 2023 we have been experiencing unhealthy air quality in Virginia. It impacted the Special Olympics State Games this past June with canceling all of the outdoor sports on June 9th. I know the athletes had to be really disappointed since they weren’t able to compete on the first day of the State Games.
2 Min Read
A Vision For Fitness
Never Quit: The Story of Kevin Ogar
If you are looking for inspiration about sports and fitness, Kevin Ogar is your man.
1 Min Read
A Vision For Fitness
Up & Coming Athlete Adjusts To Life As A Paraplegic | (Full Documentary)